Anyone who knows me, knows that the most important thing in the world to me, outside of my relationship with Christ, is my sister and her family. Kyla, Michael and their 3 kids, Tristan (4), Reilly (3) & Caeden (17 months) are a big part of why I think God brought me out to Boston. And I'm so thankful that I'm here with them, especially today...
Basically since Christmas, someone in that house has been sick. Pink eye, colds, ear infections, and then this week ALL of us got a horrible stomach bug. Their oldest son, Tristan was the only one who really hasn't bounced back. He's been sleeping all day for 2 days, complaining of being dizzy, won't barely drink anything, let alone eat. So, last night Kyla took him to the doctor, who promptly told her to take him to the ER for fluids and more tests.
Basically since Christmas, someone in that house has been sick. Pink eye, colds, ear infections, and then this week ALL of us got a horrible stomach bug. Their oldest son, Tristan was the only one who really hasn't bounced back. He's been sleeping all day for 2 days, complaining of being dizzy, won't barely drink anything, let alone eat. So, last night Kyla took him to the doctor, who promptly told her to take him to the ER for fluids and more tests.

This morning, after getting completely rehydrated, he's not showing signs of improvement. He's going to have to have a CT scan, and who knows what other tests. This is really very hard on my family, especially my sister. So would you please pray for him and for us? We know that God is in control, and that He knows exactly what's wrong with our Tristan. But would you pray that He would lead the doctors in treating him. That Tristan wouldn't be scared or in pain. That the rest of us would remain calm and TRUST that God knows what is best and that He loves Tristan even more than we do. And please pray that T would be back up and playing again soon - back to his crazy old self...

Thank you for your prayers and support! I'll try to update the blog when I know more...
I'm praying for your cute nephew to get better. 'Give thanks in all circumstances,' what a lucky guy to be surrounded with family and good doctors to take care of him. Let us know when God answers this prayer!